
Beefmince at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern

Beefmince is London’s big and beefy club that serves up a six-hour beef fest every third Friday of the month at The RVT. But the beef has been travelling and going down fantastically in other areas of the country too. Here, resident DJ Silverhook, aka Argyris, and host Dan Prance, talk setting up shop in Manchester and teaming up with the XXL Bear Pride team at the end of this month.

Hi Argyris and Dan, how has 2018 been so far for Beefmince? 

Argyris: We’ve had a great start to 2018. Our beloved Royal Vauxhall Tavern allowed us off our beefy reins for New Year’s Eve and we had a blast. It was packed and super fun, a perfect way to bring in 2018. Every month since we’ve continued to fill the old girl up to her rafters with an amazing crowd and exceptional guest DJs, including Terry Vietheer, Lee Harris, Chris Brogan and RVT legend Simon Le Vans.

Dan: 2018 has been so busy. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes preparing for our XXL serving of Mince, organising Beard Aid with Myra DuBois, and another event we are super excited about – we can’t say much at the moment but expect a rubber ring or two. What took most of our time so far was launching Beefmince to the northern hotties in Manchester. 

How did the recent Beefmince in Manchester go? 

D: We loved it. We are spoilt at The RVT so finding the right venue was really important for us. Luckily our Manchester home is perfect for the Beefmince vibe. Night People, formerly known as Alter Ego, is under new management and has had a bit more than a facelift, and has super friendly staff and security. All the feedback has been really good so I think the Mince is settling into Manc perfectly.

A: The two London resident DJs (Cactushead, aka Ian Buchan, and myself) added the Beefmince signature sound to the Manchester style brought by our Manchester resident DJ and promoter, Liam Stratton. It really worked. Loads of people are already looking forward to our next event up there, which is on Saturday 23 June. 

How did it differ to your nights at The RVT?

D: We have brought Beefmince to different venues over the years (Corsica Studios, Brixton Academy, Scala) and every place has its own vibe. The RVT is our first and biggest love, our home, our base. She’s our wife, basically. Manchester is the brand new lover, exciting and titillating, but has all the RVT credentials we were looking for. It also has that feeling of a house party.

A: For me it’s also the position of the DJ booth: in The RVT you’re up high in the corner, kind of tucked away. At Night People you are exposed right in the middle of the stage, front and centre. It’s a much closer experience with the dancing crowd. Plus, the sound system is top notch, no expense spared there.

What other nights outside London do you have coming up? 

D: Outside of London, Manchester is our new baby, but who knows where it will go next. People from all over the country ask us to set up a Beefmince in their town, but I don’t think my old Mini could cope with the mileage. That’s not a euphemism…

A: We are delighted to announce that Manchester Pride (Saturday 25 August) is about to get a whole load beefier this year too! Full details and DJ line up to be announced soon.

Next weekend on the Bank Holiday Sunday  you are at Pulse for Fusion, part of XXL Bear Pride. What can we expect?

D: We are super excited for our collaboration with Mark Ames from XXL and Pagano. Pulse is the biggest gay venue in the whole of the UK and XXL are so successful at what they do. We’re thrilled to be joining forces for this event.

A: Pagano has been playing nine-hours DJ sets in Amsterdam for more than 10 years now and they are the stuff of legend among his European fans. We have accepted a big challenge to match him by offering the best that Beefmince has to offer in Room 2 and deliver our signature sound: 80s and 90s influenced nu-disco and house plus remixes of rave and electronic classics. We have one of our favourite guest DJs taking over from 2am until 4am: Massimo Paramour. His distinctive style is a mixture of nu-disco/indie-dance, deep and tech house that will keep you mincing all night.

Why do you think it’s important for clubs like XXL and Ruggercub and you guys to work together?

D: Beefmince has always been up for collaboration with other brands. We are all part of the same scene, which we want to see thrive and make London the clubbing capital that it deserves to be. We’d rather see venues and brands work together and stay open.

A: XXL Bear Pride has been an annual celebration for years now, and a great opportunity to come together and have fun. And let’s not forget the charity element of the event: XXL is raising money for the Albert Kennedy Trust all through the Bear Pride weekend and Beefmince will, of course, make its contribution too.

This Friday you are back at The RVT, what can we expect?

D: Last month’s Beefmince heatwave was a scorcher and saw London’s finest come in their big beary masses. As per usual, Silverhook and Cactushead will be delivering their popular sets of dirty beats and remixes until 2am.

A: As for the guest DJ, this month is special as we welcome back the beary Welsh beaut that is Ross Jones. His closing set will be “all killer, no filler!”

Beefmince is at The RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5HY.

Entry to The RVT is £5 in advance from or £5 on the door before 11pm, or £7 after.

Tickets to XXL Bear Pride Fusion can be booked via

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