Pride in London

A Pride message for Boyz readers from Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan

London’s diversity is one of the main reasons it is the greatest city in the world. It is home to people of all backgrounds, faiths, abilities, nationalities, ethnicities and walks of life – and Pride in London is a wonderful example of what our city represents. Pride is one of the capital’s most popular events, a time when we come together to celebrate the contribution of the LGBT+ community and show that we are proud to be one of the most LGBT+ friendly cities on the planet.

In London you are free to love whoever you want to love and be whoever you want to be. That is why the LGBT+ community here is thriving and contributes so much to the fabric of the city. It also stands as an example to the rest of the world, where attitudes are often not so welcoming, of what diverse communities can do when they work together. But there is still more that we can – and must – do.

Every person living in London should feel safe, which is why we take a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime in all forms. There is absolutely no place for homophobic, biphobic and transphobic abuse in our city, and I will continue to work with the Met and anti-hate organisations to stamp it out.

This year, using the hashtag #PrideMatters, people are being invited to think about what Pride means to them. To many who have struggled privately with their sexuality or gender identity, Pride in London offers an opportunity to feel liberated from that struggle and to be accepted and affirmed by their peers.

So, as I prepare to join thousands of Londoners marching in solidarity with the LGBT+ communities across the world, I want to thank the LGBT+ community here in London for continuing to welcome me. Our society can sometimes feel increasingly divided, but one of the many reasons that #PrideMatters is that it stands for love, acceptance and unity, and we could all do with a lot more of that.

I wish all Boyz readers a fantastic Pride!

Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London

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