
For Reasons That Remain Unclear at the King’s Head Theatre: First night review by Stephen Vowles

Mart Crowley’s grip of the homosexual psyche is superb. In For Reasons That Remain Unclear he has at the centre of the story a terrific game of cat and mouse between the two lead characters which builds to such a crescendo of rage, anger and relief of anxiety that the result is captivating and very memorable theatre. 

This is a chic and very stylish production directed by Jessica Lazar. With a panache and flair she gets performances out of her actors – the delectable and very distinguished Simon Haines as Patrick and the wonderful Corey Petersen as Conrad – that are as smooth as velvet; and with cheeky support by Daniele Alan-Carter as the waiter, this one act play is perfectly cast.

Patrick works for a movie company and is in Rome working on a film. Conrad, a Catholic priest, is exploring the wonders of the Italian capital because of the Vatican and his strong commitment to his faith. They meet on a street and Patrick invites Conrad back to the very luxurious Hassler Roma Hotel, and then the ‘games’ begin. 

Crowley examines the hypocrisy of Hollywood; your life can be like a movie if you want it to be. As with Boys in the Band Crowley includes some fabulous one liners, pure ‘zingers’ that come easily to him as a writer. This is hot under the collar stuff with Haines exuding a sexual energy that is provocative and powerful. This is a vivid and vivacious night of theatre. It’s simply breathtaking. A terrific centrepiece of the current Queer Season at the King’s Head. A must see.

Photos: Alex Brenner


For Reasons That Remain Unclear runs to Saturday 25th August at the King’s Head Theatre, 115 Upper Street, Islington, London N1 1QN. 

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