
Swimwear 2018 Special: Clonezone introduced by Topher Taylor

There are lots of misconceptions with the Clonezone swimwear range, due to the images that our suppliers send us when we receive stock. We don’t only stock styles for men with 0% body fat and six packs, as this is not a realistic representation of our diverse mix of customers. Yes, some of our customers do look like this, but many do not.

Our swimwear styles are made from quality fabrics with supportive waistbands to flatter your shape, not squeeze too hard on any softer love handles, and to give you a favourable silhouette in the sunshine. We try to avoid skimpy styles that pinch as this would make the most toned body look misshapen.

This summer, we have new styles in from STUD Wear It Proud, Nasty Pig, Garcon Model, Code 22, Project Claude and Timoteo. As we are Clonezone, our styles lean more towards sexy and fashionable. Every piece in our collection is made from high-quality materials to prove a comfortable and complimentary fit. Whether you’re hunting for a skimpy brief, a flattering short, or something eye-catching and fun, there’s something in our range for all tastes and body types.

If you aren’t sure about what style is best for you, please feel free to reach out to us. Send us an email, give us a ring or visit us in store and we’ll be happy to walk you through your options.

Use code ‘TOPHER’ for 10% off swimwear at

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