In Pictures

The Two Brewers Street Party: Saturday 30 June

The Two Brewers Street Party: Saturday 30 June 

The Two Brewers Street Party is always one of the best days of the year, but last Saturday, even by their high standards, it was fecking brilliant!

From the moment Jimmy and his team opened the gates to Prescott Place, next to the Clapham cabaret hotspot, it was packed out with happy smiling faces. The line up of cabaret was amazing with all the acts bringing their A game into the sunshine and to a huge response from the crowd. We loved The Vixens, Rose Garden, Lola Lasagne, CK, Son of a Tutu, Seann Miley Moore, Danny Beard and Mary Mac, who literally threw herself into it, and many more. It was a great day and this Saturday Mary and Seann are back at the Brewers for Pride!

Photos by Sylvia Tilly


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