
Me, myself and I: Chris Amos

When he’s not working on film projects, Chris Amos is part of the Pleasuredrome team. Originally from Brisbane, Australia, he’s currently working on a film with human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell and lives with his pet dogs Casper and Felix.

Where are you from originally?

Brisbane in Australia, but I grew up in Rockhampton, a country town in Queensland. Gay life in Oz was pretty dull so London lured me away in 1999. 

And where do you live now?

Since 2002 I’ve been living in Bloomsbury with various partners and flatmates. Now I share with my adorable dogs, Casper and Felix.

What do you love about London and why?

As an entertainment junkie, London satisfies this probably more than any other city on the planet. Even after two decades I still discover new things. Also I enjoy exploring the beautiful parks and gardens with my dogs. 

What was the first gay venue you visited? 

The Beat in Brisbane when I was 15. The scene was a mix of gays and straights, a tight knit community of rascals and fashionistas. It felt so hedonistic. 

What is your role at Pleasuredrome? 

I moonlight as the brand manager. With so many gay spaces closing, I am very proud to be involved with a gay owned and run venue. Even after 22 years, at a time when venues have been closing, Pleasuredrome is still going strong and is actually expanding in the New Year.

Are you working on a new film project? 

I am working on a feature documentary about Peter Tatchell. This summer I travelled with Peter to Moscow where he was arrested for staging a one-man protest near Red Square on the opening day of the World Cup. I am editing at the moment, looking to complete the film this year. It is my hope that telling Peter’s story will inspire others to realise their own powers to change the world to be a better place. 

What was the last theatre show you saw, where, and what did you think of it?

I scored tickets to watch Jim Steinman’s Bat Out Of Hell at the Dominion recently. It was very entertaining. In terms of ‘musicals’ I prefer more traditional compositions, but every now and then it is good fun to dip into a pop/rock concert hybrid musical. 

What is your guilty pleasure and why?

Having a car in London. Guilty because cars are not eco-friendly (mine is a small engine). Pleasure because I love to get out of London to visit the rest of England, particularly coastal towns.

Biggest extravagance?

Going to Australia every year. Where my family live is a beautiful, tropical part of the world with stunning beaches and waterfalls. Spending time there restores my faith in the planet. 

Best gift you’ve ever received and why?

When I was 20, I had a birthday dinner and no one brought gifts. After a few drinks, I complained, wondering why no one brought anything with them – but the joke was on me. As I was whining, my mate bought out a boombox stereo everyone had chipped in for. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

Watching the world premiere of Dressed As A Girl, the feature documentary I produced, in NFT1 at BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival. I promised the director, Colin Rothbart, the documentary would make it to the cinema. To have the premiere in that particular cinema, with a full house of London’s finest eccentrics, was a proud moment. 

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

That when you put garlic in the microwave for 20 seconds it makes it easier to peel.

Pleasuredrome, Cornwall Road (between Alaska, Brad and Sandell Streets), Waterloo, London, SE1 8XE.

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