In Pictures

The Duke of Wellington: Busy Lady Bingo, Tuesday 4 September

The Duke of Wellington: Busy Lady Bingo, Tuesday 4 September

It’s fair to say that we don’t really need much of an excuse for a night out at the Boyz Award-winning Duke of Wellington, but last Tuesday we had a fantastic one.

We rocked up to the Welly for the 1st anniversary special of Busy Lady Bingo, the weekly laugh fest hosted by Aussie shopping star Sheila Simmonds. Not only was the Welly’s ‘Sky Lounge’ packed with smiling regulars all keen for a game, but Sheila had two special guests in the shape of the two Julies from hit TV show Bad Girls, who were there to assist the Australian diva. It was a brilliant night and we’ll be back soon.

Busy Lady Bingo is on every Tuesday at the Duke of Wellington.

Photos by Amiee McGhee

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