In Pictures

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern: Friday 21 September

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern Friday 21 September 

The team at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern like to push themselves and last Friday we got not one but two amazing events.

First up was lip-sync superstar Ripley, plus Rose Garden and Elle, with the latest in her Like A Sturgeon series, this time called The Emancipation of Melania Trump. This hilarious hour-long show told the story of the Material Girl’s journey from bit parts in TV ads to being a somewhat unwilling First Lady. The main event of the night was of course Beefmince, with meaty beats and hot dudes from this monthly clubbing sensation, making it all in all a perfect Friday night out.

This Friday (28 Sep) is Push The Button at The RVT

Beefmince photos by

Like A Sturgeon photos by Max Herridge

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