
There’s two amazing events this Friday at The RVT

This Friday the team at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern present two very different but both brilliant events in their own way. Disabled cabaret star Sugar Cube presents Disabled Queer and Here from 7pm, followed by Trashy Queen at 10pm until 4am from promoter and DJ David Robson. We asked Both Sugar and David to tell us more.

Disabled Queer and Here, from 7pm 

‘The idea behind this night is to give disabled queer people a night out and to increase awareness about disability in the LGBT+ community. You don’t see that many disabled people on the scene, but they obviously are out there. It’s a subject that is not talked about and not all venues are accessible. It would be great if we didn’t feel so left out and there were more nights.

At this event I will be performing, plus Stephanie Von Clitz and Ebony Rose Dark will be talking about disability and performing sketches and more, including a raffle. We will have a signer on stage and audio description for the partially sighted. We want as many people as possible to feel included and part of the community.’

Trashy Queen, from 10pm 

‘Trashy Queen is all about showing shame the middle finger and celebrating sexuality with an electro pop beat. It’s been up and running at The RVT for a year now. We only do them every four months and each time seems to get more popular with a diverse crowd of people.

This time we have three of my utter favourite cabaret acts, Taylor Trash, TVTV and Pi the Mime all coming to do their own take on what it is to be trashy. Plus two of my dearest DJs, Lady Lloyd and Craig Jones, will be on the decks playing trashy pop old and new. We have some new additions this time too – the lovely Sam and Kane on the door. They proved so popular on the poster I thought why not shove them in some sexy short shorts down at The RVT…’

Get tickets for both events at

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.

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