In Pictures

Recon Fetish Night: Thursday 8 November

Recon Fetish Night: Thursday 8 November 

We love it when promoters and venues team up to do something different and last Thursday we got something that was different and fantastic. 

We were at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern where the guys from Recon were hosting their Fetish Comedy night and it was great fun. The much loved venue was full of hot people of all kinds, some in sexy gear and some in ‘civvies’ all there to be entertained and they were. Hosted by the quiet and demure Baby Lame we were treated to stand up sets and performances by Brooklyn based queer clown Eric Schmalenberger, Simon Caine, Carmen Ali, Marcus the bisexual magician and John Pendal. We laughed, a lot and we may have flirted with a hot rubber boy, what a brilliant combination, can’t wait for the nest one. 

Recon will be back at The RVT in 2019.

Photos by Stuart Spinks

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