
Savage on New Year’s Eve at Metropolis: Interview with scene legend Tasty Tim

Savage is the rather glamorous and always outrageous East London club night based at the impressive Metropolis, E2. For their big New Year’s Eve party we are promised a ‘playground of fun’ with a stellar line-up that includes Guy Williams, Michelle Manetti, Nimmo, Sink the Pink, Savage Queens and scene legend Tasty Tim. Dave Cross grabbed a few minutes with Tasty to get the lowdown.

Hey Tasty, how has 2018 been in your world? 

Well you know what it’s like at my age, when you get to 32 the days and weeks all seem to roll into one…. and 32 was such a LONG time ago! So 2018 has gone by very fast. 

Are you excited to be at Savage on New Year’s Eve?

Oh, I can hardly hold my incontinence pants… it’s going to be SOOO good!

We know you’ve played there before, for anyone who’s not been how would you describe the vibe and crowd? 

Honestly It is such a fabulous vibe. The crowd is so young and I drop tunes that are way before they were born and they are really into it… it gives me hope for the world! 

And what about the venue, Metropolis? 

There are four floors of fabulosity! Each one is different and you have to explore them all!

What can we expect to hear in your set on the night?

I was thinking 1920’s ragtime, what do you think? Maybe not… I will be playing ALL the disco classics and more. Although ragtime could be quite the theme.

What’s your favourite tune of 2018?

Without doubt, The Shapeshifters feat Teni Tinks, Try My Love (On for Size). It sends goosebumps up and down my wig every time and I try to play it at least twice in my set… I KNOW the audience is thinking, ‘that silly cow played this before’… good! Get it into your head, buy it, and make it a number one. It so should be.

Finally what are your hopes, plans and dreams for 2019?

Well my hopes are that Bombshell! (my club with Lady Lloyd… Wednesdays at Klub, downstairs at Ku Leicester Square) will continue to grow, it’s got so good now. Oh and yes, plans? A trip to Melbourne in January to DJ at a fab new club called Botox. And my dreams? Really? No… OK maybe one… oooh no I can’t, it involves… OK I’ll call you!

Savage New Year’s Eve, Metropolis, 234 Cambridge Heath Road, E2. 

Entry is £10, tickets from

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