
The RVT: Let Us Eat Cake fundraiser with Matt Lucas

On Wednesday 9 January the team at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern present Let Us Eat Cake, a charity fundraiser for The Albert Kennedy Trust. Hosted by TV star Matt Lucas the night will include performances from Miss Hope Springs, Miss Penny, Mrs Moore, Son of a Tutu, Tracy Barlow, Mynxie, Holestar and Stephanie Von Clitz. Dave Cross had a chat with Matt to find out more.

Hi Matt, are you looking forward to hosting Let Us Eat Cake at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern?

Yes absolutely. I’ve been there a couple of times over the years and there’s always a friendly vibe. The evening should be lots of fun.

The night features an impressive line-up of performers, I know you have worked with Miss Hope Springs, are you aware of the other acts? 

I’m not really no, so I’m very excited to meet them all and watch them perform. It’ll be an education for me!

Part of the inspiration for the night is that cake has bizarrely become a political issue recently with a bakery using the excuse of religious freedom to not bake a gay wedding cake… is this just homophobia hiding under the marzipan?  

I don’t know those people so I can’t really say what their motives are. All I know is that it made me sad when I heard about it, so I thought it would be nice to do a big gay night involving lots of cake in response.

The night is raising money for the Albert Kennedy Trust, why is this an important charity for you to support?

The Albert Kennedy Trust works with young LGBTQ+ people who are homeless – many of whom have been exiled by their families because of their sexuality. Just £25 pays for a homeless person to be housed and fed for a night, so even a small donation will make a real difference.

You’re hosting the night, so can we expect any surprises or ‘cake’ themed treats from you as well? 

I expect I will eat a great deal of cake, though I doubt that would be considered a surprise!

Tickets are £10 online from, £12 on the door.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 

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