
Welcome to our scene family Christmas

Christmas is a time for family… it’s a time for going out and having a marvellous time, so we’ve combined the two and created our own scene festive family and asked everyone what they are doing for Christmas and what it means to them.


Son of a Tutu

‘Christmas means a well earned day off from a hectic December schedule whilst I contemplate a parsimonious January and my tax returns. In all seriousness though, I love the taste, sights, sounds and smells of Christmas and can’t wait to spend it this year with one of Cardiff’s finest drag queens and all round sweetheart, Dr Beverley Ballcrusher. I bet she’s serving up Faye Tozer with the brandy sauce. Merry Christmas and Much Tutu Love.’

Carlos, Ku Bar 

‘Christmas to me is all about the most important thing – friends and family. I really love London during Christmas, the atmosphere, everything there is to do – it’s truly magical. I will be spending my Christmas with all my friends here, especially the Ku boys, as we celebrate this wonderful time of the year at work, in Soho, at home – and with all our beautiful loved ones. Merry Christmas Boyz!’

Catia Ciarico, The RVT 

‘I’m practically demonic with excitement the minute I wake up Christmas morning. I’m the first one up, dragging people from their beds, sticking carols on at full volume and insisting everyone opens their presents NOW! By the afternoon I’ve usually exhausted myself like a hyperactive toddler and you’ll find me either face down in my turkey dinner or crashed out on the sofa in an alcoholic delirium amidst all my Christmas presents, remnants of food and Christmas crackers – Merry Christmas.’

Chris Amos, Pleasuredrome

‘On the first day of high school, our art teacher read out my name rather quickly… “Chrisamos” she yelled out… sounding like “Christmas!”. Thankfully the embarrassment never damped my festive cheer for Christmas. Christmas Day I am heading to Oxford with my two dogs and a good friend. We will go for a scenic walk at Shotover Country Park, visit the Christ Church Cathedral followed by a four course Christmas feast at a popular local dog-friendly pub. I wish all Boyz readers a very merry and safe Christmas.’

Issy, Halfway II Heaven

‘I usually spend Christmas with just my parents, but this year we are going to Ireland to spend the holiday with Mum’s family. I’m excited to see my little cousins, although I’m usually the biggest kid of us all, and to spend time chilling with my Nan. I just love the food, films, and spending all day relaxed and cosy.’

Martha D’Arthur 

‘Being a domestic goddess I love to cook the Christmas dinner. We’re having goose this year in the shires, and I use a glass of port for everything; chopping, basting, peeling…. so by the time it’s ready, I’m too sloshed to notice who I’m eating with…. if anyone at all. Last year I thought the Queen’s speech was going on a bit… till I realised it was my reflection in the microwave.’

Paul aka The Duchess, George and Dragon 

‘Christmas is a time for both giving and receiving. For me it’s a day off and there’s nothing better than to spend Christmas Day with friends, chilling out with a bevy or ten and grazing all day with a few great films on the TV.’

Peter Bull, Above The Stag

‘I’ll be spending Christmas morning phoning family and friends in Australia, then enjoying Christmas dinner with close friends in London.’

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