
Extra Virgin at Above The Stag: Sunday 13 January to Sunday 10 February

Extra Virgin by Howard Walters is the two-handed story of an online hook-up that spirals into something more disconcerting. Starring James Farley and Alexander Hulme and directed by Peter Bull, it’s the new production in the studio space at Above The Stag in Vauxhall. Dave Cross met up with James Farley to get the lowdown.

Hi James, how would you describe Extra Virgin? 

I’d describe it as a psychosexual drama. What starts as something very recognisable and relatable for gay men, gradually becomes something darker and unexpected.

What can you tell us about your character Noah? 

I think Noah is someone nearly every gay man was like when they were younger. I suspect a lot of our audience will see themselves in him.

How does he change, or appear to change during the play?

Even just a hint of that would be a potential spoiler. My lips are sealed.

It’s a two hander, what can you tell us about Elliot the character played by Alexander? 

At the start he might come across as your typical gym-bunny, twink chaser, but through the play his past comes back to haunt him.

The play starts with a casual hook-up, is that a universal theme for a gay play? 

Initially yes, but I think the darker themes which come to light later on might be even more relatable – maybe even a little close to the bone.

We know you’ve been in other productions at Above The Stag, what is it about the theatre that makes it special?

As the UK’s only LGBT+ theatre it’s very touching to work for them – and I’m also very excited for their new journey as they branch out and grow their audiences.

What else do you have planned for 2019?

Visit cities around the world with the man I love!

Extra Virgin at Above The Stag, 72 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 

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