In Pictures

Let Us Eat Cake with Matt Lucas at The RVT: Wednesday 9 January

We really don’t need an excuse to visit the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, but last Wednesday the combination of cake, cabaret and Matt Lucas was just too delicious to resist.

Let Us Eat Cake, a fundraiser for the Albert Kennedy Trust, was an idea by Matt Lucas and The RVT’s Jason Reid inspired by the recent story of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding. Hosted by Matt, we were treated to yummy performances from Stephanie Von Clitz, Son of a Tutu, Miss Penny, Mynxie as Karen Walker, Holestar, Mrs Moore, Tracy Barlow, Leonard Pink and Miss Hope Springs. It was a brilliant night and in the end they raised over £3,500 – well done to everyone involved.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is open every day.

Photos by Angus Wharton

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