Boyz Awards 2019

Today is your last chance to vote in the Boyz Awards 2019: Voting closes at midnight on Tuesday 12 February

It’s that time of year again, gentle reader, when we need to know who is rocking your world and what is making you smile 24/7. The Boyz Awards are the only place when you get to have your say over a wide range of categories that reflect what we cover each and every week across the scene and LGBT+ community. 

You can vote for your favourite venues in London and around the country, plus cabaret acts, DJs, bar staff, plays, pantos, sexual health organisations, shops, community groups, films, Prides and more. You will find below lists of the people, organisations and businesses that we have featured the most in Boyz in the past 12 months. And we’ve cut down some of the bigger lists this year to make the choices easier for you. All you have to do is visit our website at and have your say. It only takes a few minutes and you can vote in all or just some of the categories. 

Voting is open now and will be open until midnight on Tuesday 12 February. The winners will be announced at a special party, open to everyone, on Thursday 21 February at the Two Brewers, hosted by Lola Lasagne with a special performance from Drag Idol winner Felix Le Freak. 

Best Cabaret Venue

Last year the Royal Vauxhall Tavern claimed the title of this coveted prize, stealing it away from the Two Brewers. Will The RVT triumph again or will Halfway or the Brewers snatch it back? Or perhaps it’s the time of the Admiral Duncan, George and Dragon, Old Ship or the White Swan? 

Best Bar

The Duke of Wellington was the 2018 champion with Ku Bar and G-A-Y snapping at their heels, but this year could Comptons, The Yard, Rupert Street or Retro Bar win the day?

Best Club or Club Night

XXL have won this over the past few years, but is it the turn of Duckie, Beefmince, Sink The Pink, Push The Button, Ruggercub or Cybil’s House to win this year?

Best Bar Staff

The team at the Two Brewers won this new award last year with Ku Bar and The RVT close behind. So tell us who has served you best over the past year. 

Best Cabaret Act

This is a really important category with the UK’s finest cabaret acts slugging it out for that coveted crown. This year we have cut down the long list to feature the acts that have featured most in Boyz over the last year. Charlie Hides has won this award for the past three years, but Mary Mac, Vicki Vivacious, The DE Experience, Myra DuBois, The Vixens, Miss Hope Springs and Pam Ann were all close. Now only you can decide this year’s winner… 

Best New Cabaret Act

There’s more amazing new talent on the scene than ever before, so who do you think deserves the title this year? Again we have cut down this list to the acts we really rate as new and exciting.

Best Venue Outside London

Now Boyz is distributed in venues across England and Wales it’s time to tell us where you love to party around the country. You will find a fascinating range of venues from across the UK in our list.

Best DJ 

The soundtrack in your favourite club or bar can literally make your night, so who is your best DJ? Last year’s winner was Lady Lloyd for the third time, with those XXL and Brewers DJs chasing her around the dancefloor!

Best Club or Bar Host

It was an all new top three last year and all three – Sum Ting Wong, Amy Lamé and Meth – were different hosts covering karaoke and quizzes, club nights and cabaret. Who is your choice for 2019?


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