
Me, Myself and I: Grant Boatman, DJ from the George and Dragon in Greenwich

Grant Boatman is one of the DJs at Greenwich cabaret hotspot the George and Dragon. Sandra tried to get him naked on stage when he was 23 and he spends way too much money at Comic Con.

Where are you from originally?

I’m from London, Greenwich actually.

And where do you live now?

I still live in Greenwich and I’m lucky enough to live by myself with my nutty dog and two cats. I can’t see myself moving, but Manchester does have a big place in my heart.

What do you love about London and why?

I love London because it’s a great place to call home. It’s always changing, mostly for the better and there’s so much history I have not yet discovered yet.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

The Gloucester in Greenwich was my first gay venue. My biggest memory is when I was 23, new on the scene and very naive, drag legend Sandra got me on stage and tried to get me naked and then threw water over my crutch to see how big my dick was. Sandra and I still talk about that night to this day.

How would you describe the music you play at the George and Dragon?

I aim to please the diverse mix of customers who come to the George and Dragon so I will try and play anything they ask for. I do get asked for some bizarre genres of music sometimes and I politely have to say no. I have and always will be a pop music DJ.

What is your biggest record right now?

One of the good things about being a DJ at the George and Dragon is that every night is different and that goes for the music I play. I can’t say there is one tune that is big right now, but I do have some great remixes of Cher’s ABBA covers that every one loves #Fernandoooooooo.

What was the last theatre show you saw, where, and what did you think of it?

The last good theatre show I saw was Thriller the musical at the Orchard Theatre in Dartford. The production was amazing and I felt emotional after the show thinking how Michael Jackson’s music had shaped my life over the years. The last bad show was Bat out of Hell, the songs were great, but the storyline was dreadful.

What is your guilty pleasure and why?

My guilty pleasure is X-Rated and your readers don’t need to know.

Biggest extravagance?

Spending too much money at Comic-Con. I don’t need any of the crap I buy there, but I can’t help myself. I think this year I’m going to leave my credit card at home.

Best gift you’ve ever received and why?

It has to be the car my mum bought me for my 18th birthday. My mum knew exactly what car I dreamed of owning and she got it for me.

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

I have been a DJ for over 20 years and worked in so many bars and clubs it’s hard to pin down one highlight. Every venue I have worked in has been a highlight actually. DJing is my hobby and still doing it 20 years later has to be the biggest highlight.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so good?

If I discount the odd men only party… I would say it’s not where you go, but who you go to the party with. I have a great group of friends and every night is a party when I’m out with them.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

One of my closest friends, Matt gave me three pearls of wisdom five years ago and I live my life by them now: 1. There’s more then one way to look at a problem. 2. There’s always someone worse off then you. 3. You should always think positive.

Who is your LGBT+ hero and why?

The Legendary drag queen Phil Starr wasn’t only one of the best drag queens of his time, but I got to know him as a person and what an amazing man he was.

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on social media and why?

I don’t follow on Twitter, that sounds too much like stalking to me. I’m friends with many drag and scene queens so their posts make me smile and it’s always beneficial to know where and what mood the Duchess is in ahead of work.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

I wish I knew that I did not have to sleep with that page three model to feel like a man. Sleeping with men makes me feel like a man.

You can find Grant DJing at The George and Dragon, 2 Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, SE10.


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