
No Kids at Battersea Arts Centre: Review by Stephen Vowles

I love theatrical surprises and with George Mann and Nir Paldi’s theatrical experience this comes in abundance. A couple in real life, their energetic coupling (which they also co-artistically direct) is stunning. A vibrant if hypothetical look at what bringing up a child may require and all to a throbbing Madonna soundtrack. 

Their athletic, bordering on erratic, body movement showcases their joint ability to tell a story via body language that is very powerful and made more so by their complete synchronicity  and the fact they are also in tune with each other on a mental and perhaps even a spiritual level. This is very masculine theatre where moral dilemmas, the construction and the unravelling of a relationship and the creation and conception of the initial human bond are expertly explored. 

The performances they both give are highly animated, skilful and passionate and also very balanced demonstrating that passive aggressive behaviour can lead to an explosive situation  and if you are prepared to both take a shared blame this can make the love you have for each other even stronger. Unique and inventive storytelling where the orderly chaos enhances the whole proceedings. An interesting look at another aspect of gay life and the choices we make.


No Kids runs to Saturday 23 February at the Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TN. Box Office  020 7223 2223 

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