
Rethinking your hair loss with Skalp

Scalp Micropigmentation is a life-changing hair loss treatment where natural pigments are applied to the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real hair follicles. Alex from Skalp, the industry leaders in Scalp Micropigmentation, told us about all its advantages.

Hi Alex, in simple terms what is Skalp?

Skalp is a leading clinic in the Scalp Micropigmentation industry. We treat men who are losing their hair with a simple, cost-effective solution to hair loss. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is, in effect a hairline tattoo, where specialised ink and a microneedle is used to replicate ‘hair follicles’ to give the look of a full head of shaved hair.

What are the advantages of this over a hair transplant?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical treatment, so unlike a hair transplant, there is no downtime and minimal aftercare. The results can be seen instantly and most importantly, are guaranteed. So, that means no waiting for 6 months or more to see if it has worked or paying again for another treatment if unsuccessful like you would with a hair transplant.

Can you talk us through the actual process?

Well, the best place to start is a free consultation at one of our clinics. This is a chance to meet the team who will perform the treatment, get a personal quote and virtual hairline mock-up. From there, we book 3 appointments or sessions for the treatment. The 1st and 2nd are 1 week apart and the 3rd is 1 month later. During each session, pigments are applied to the 2nd dermal layer of the scalp using a microneedle. The gradual build up over the 3 sessions means we can perfect the new hairline, match the density to the individual’s hair follicles and achieve the most natural result possible.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation suit everyone?

Yes, the great thing about SMP is that it works on everyone, no matter the extent of their hair loss. We can recreate a full head of hair on people with receding hairlines, thinning hair or bald patches as well as alopecia sufferers. We can even cover scars from old hair transplants.

Do we come to you or do you come to us to do this?

Usually you come to us! We have people travel to us from all over the world to have their SMP at Skalp. At the moment we have two clinics in the UK–London and Manchester–as well as further afield in New York City, Marbella and Tel Aviv. We are soon to be opening in Dublin, Paris, California and Canada! All of our clinics are luxury, private spaces in the city centre with easy transport links. Alternatively, we offer initial consultations over the phone or by email too. Of course, for some people–particularly celebrities–a home or hotel visit is a better option, and we are happy to accommodate this for an additional fee.


Is it a permanent process?

The treatment is classed as permanent, the idea is once you’ve had your SMP treatment you can stop worrying about hair loss altogether. In regards to touch-ups, we recommend a quick touch-up every 3–6 years to freshen up your look–but this is a one-off touch-up cost, you won’t have to pay for the whole treatment again!

What else do we need to know?

All of our team of experts have had SMP treatment on themselves. As they have all been through hair loss themselves they really are the best people to answer all of your questions, concerns and understand your needs. Book a free consultation and see our treatment results for yourself.

Get in touch with the Skalp team today on 0845 094 1516. You can also email [email protected] to arrange a free consultation. Check the Skalp website for more details at

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