
First made natural intimate oil in the world for men

Luxury Intimate: The most needed products for intimate care

Hygiene is an important part of healthy living. The hygiene includes many things such as oral hygiene, personal hygiene as even intimate hygiene.

Intimate hygiene refers to the process of taking care of your intimate parts. Most people connect intimate hygiene with women only. However, that’s incorrect the process of intimate care is important for both men and women.

There are plenty of products available in the market that helps to provide you with a deep and thorough cleaning experience while taking care of your personal hygiene. Intimate hygiene is often ignored as people don’t know how to go for the intimate care or what products to use.

First made natural intimate oil in the world for men

Male intimate oil or intimate washing is not a topic that is widely discussed or talked about. However, it is equally important for men to take their intimate care serious. If any man wants to care for his hygiene needs, then it is important to understand that intimate care routine is also a part of it. A healthy intimate oil routine helps to prevent rashes and infection in the long run. There is nothing tricky or different about the intimate care routine for men.

In cooperation with experts we combined a sensual mixture of oils and plants, each of which has its own specific essential. The extract of grapefruit seeds and peach oil seed is highly nourishing. Sea buckthorns is gentle antiseptic, and the musk oil enriches it all with a sophisticated odour. As for the musk flower experts classify it as one of natural aphrodisiacs.

The ingredients in the oil primarily help with natural care and preservation of the health of the intimate areas. Use is therefore recommended for both men and women.

For more information about Luxury Intimate brand visit the website at

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