
Sam’s song: Sam Bailey at The Two Brewers on Friday 12 April

Next Friday (12 Apr) the brilliant Sam Bailey, winner of X Factor 2013 is making her debut at The Two Brewers. Dave Cross had a catch up with the Skyscraper singer to talk about appearing in Chicago, her work with the charity helping the LGBT+ community in Chechnya, X Factor and much more.

Hi Sam, how are you? 

I’m great thanks Dave, lovely to speak to you again. 

We last spoke about three years ago, what have you been up to since then?

Oh my God, I’m been so busy. In 2016 I was in the UK tour of Chicago, Fat Friends The Musical, I released a second album Sing My Heart Out, which did really well considering it was just on my own label. I’ve been recording in Nashville and in LA, I’ve recorded a song that’s going in a film for Netflix called High Strung in America. I did panto and I was in a rock musical called Vampire’s Rock for three months and I’m now doing a local production of 42nd Street playing Dorothy Brock and it’s such a camp 1920’s show. I love it.

Wow so you have been busy…

Absolutely I like being busy and coming up I’ve got gigs in Thailand, Iceland, Alaska and this year a couple of Prides in the UK and lovely one off gigs such as The Two Brewers. 

How was doing Chicago playing Mama Morton? 

It was my first professional musical and I learnt so much from all the people I worked with, Hayley Tamaddon, John Richards and Alan Richardson, who was Mary Sunshine, and went on to the West End version. He was just insane in the show, he’s one of my favourite performers of all time.

So you had fun…

It was fantastic, although all the rest of the cast seemed to get by on a lettuce leaf and some peas and I had Mama’s Tuck Shop open in my dressing room. I was eating Penguins and sausage rolls and they’d all sneak into my dressing room for a sugar fix because they knew I always had chocolate. I still pinch myself that I got to do that show, I was so lucky. 

One of the other things you’ve done is record a song for a charity that’s fighting for LGBT+ rights in Chechnya? 

Yes, that’s right. Stronger Together is a song that me and other acts recorded for the charity Living Without Prejudice. It was a great experience and apparently the song is getting loads of play out there.

This was something you felt strongly about? 

I’m very passionate about equality for the whole LGBT+ community. I always love playing gay clubs and I have loads of gay and transgender friends. I feel it’s so important to support equality. 

And you have kids at school, I’m guessing that you are in favour of LGBT+ lifestyles being included in schools?

Yes, absolutely. I’ve always been very open with my kids and they are totally cool about that. I wish that actually parents would talk to their kids more about this, then it wouldn’t be such a big thing. My kids know my gay friends and it’s no big deal and I encourage them to ask me questions. In fact, one day in the car my daughter asked me, ‘Mum if two boys love each other, they are gay?’ I said ‘that’s right’ and then she said, ‘and if two girls love each other… they are vegetarians.” I laughed so much, but at least she asked me the question. I just think we should all be accepted as long as there’s love. 

Looking back now to 2013 what are your thoughts now about being on the X Factor? 

When you win something like that it’s an opportunity and it’s up to you what you make of it. I never went in to the show to become a massive star. I wanted to make money by singing, have a couple of nice holidays and build an extension on my house… which I’m standing in now. I honestly think I’ve made the most of it, I was never going to be the next Beyonce and I wouldn’t want that level of fame, where you can’t go anywhere. I like my life. I’ve done tours, released albums, been in shows and got to travel all over the world and it’s been amazing and I’m totally grateful. 

And finally are you looking forward to The Two Brewers next Friday?

Yes I am. I’ve heard it’s a bit of a legendary place. It’s my husband’s birthday that weekend and we are going away a couple of days later, so I’ll already be in holiday mode… I’m gonna sing the shit out of the place!

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

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