Drag Idol Reporter

Drag Idol heat final at Central Station

We are now in the last stages of the Drag Idol heats with all the venues having chosen or about to choose their champions to go forward to the semi-finals.

Last week we were at several heats including the heat final at Central Station with the lovely Victoria Sponge as host. There were five excellent acts, covering a range of cabaret but in the end the judges put through #Joe to the semis.

At The Two Brewers they chose PoppyCock as their act while at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern it was Wesley Dykes who took the crown as venue champ and at the Old Ship in Limehouse The Sistahs won the heat final. At Via in Manchester they chose Scott Lund as champ and Quay Pride picked Miss Crystal while in Brighton at Charles Street Tap it’s Alfie Ordinary who snatched their crown.

At Eden Bar in Birmingham their winner and going forward is Burning Bush. In the next few days both Halfway II Heaven and Admiral Duncan will choose their champions and then it’s heads down for the semi-finals the week after.


Photos by ChrisJepson.com

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