
Eurovision party round up

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, in a cave… on one of Jupiter’s moons, you will know that this Saturday is Eurovision, that totally over the top, once a year explosion in a cheese factory that brings us together like no other TV event. This Saturday some of your favourite LGBT+ venues are hosting Eurovision viewing parties, and we asked some of the hosts to tell us their favourite moment and predictions, plus we persuaded SuRie, last year’s UK entry to join in the crazy.

Titti La Camp

Co-host at The Two Brewers on Saturday (18 May)

‘My favourite moment(s) is a toss up between Abba’s win, because I doubt we’d still have Eurovision as we know it and well, it gave us Abba. My other would be Riverdance. Coming from an Irish family it meant everyone was now talking about how good Eurovision was.
My prediction for this year is, Netherlands with singer Duncan Lawrence. It’s been 44 years since their last win and this ballad is going to take some beating.’


Performing at The Two Brewers on Friday (17 May)

‘My favourite Eurovision song is Silent Storm from Norway in 2014 and the lyrics took on a whole new level for me last year. I’m not sure I can make a real prediction for this year, but I do love Duncan Lawrence from Netherlands and also I really like Australia’s song by Kate Miller-Heidke which has a kind of Kate Bush feel and could do really well.’

Lady Lloyd

Host at Ku Bar Leicester Square on Saturday (18 May) 

‘My all time favourite moment would be Loreen’s win for Sweden, but I’ll be saying that forever more, so to give something different let’s say Gina G’s sparkly dress back in the day. That was what got me into Eurovision in the first place… Ooh Aah is still a classic and my favourite UK entry. This year my winner is Italy. Brilliantly melodic song and Mahmood is a brilliant popstar.
(clap clap).’

Kitty Patten

Co-host at Halfway II Heaven on Saturday (18 May) 

‘Brotherhood of Man’s 1976 win was the first UK win I clearly remember. I loved everything about it. Their outfits, the choreography, and the cute reveal in the last line of the song. I think this year is going to be a close finish. I think the top three will include Netherlands, Australia, and Azerbaijan, but I will go for Netherlands with their first win since 1975!’

Shae G’Day

Co-host at Halfway II Heaven on Saturday (18 May)

‘My dream is to be the Australian or Italian correspondent. My favourite Eurovision moment to date has been A Million Voices by Polina Gagarina. And my pick this year is Spain… although the patriot in me still loves the Australian and Italian songs.’

Sheila Simmonds

Host at Duke of Wellington on Saturday (18 May}

‘My prediction for this year’s winner would obviously be Australia,  but I don’t want to appear biased so I’m going for France – Bilal Hassani – he’s like Lady Ga Ga and Freddie Mercury rolled into one. My fave Eurovision moment of all time has to be when Bucks Fizz did the mini skirt reveal – so risqué for its time and to this day it’s the only reveal that gets me excited.’ 

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