
Gareth Edward in Gareth’s Dating Disasters: Review by Stephen Vowles

There is a vulnerability and at the same time a bravery to Gareth Edward’s comedy. With his social secretary Brenda giving him a helping hand we were invited to play a game of bingo with a difference. Not checking off numbers but marking off phrases and terms associated with social media and being a gay man, very cleverly woven into the songs and dialogue interspersed between the numbers.

Gareth was accompanied by pianist Micah Rose-Trespeuch, ably assisted by Secretary Brenda, Fiona Coffey, and joined by performance artist Jonathan Richardson whose devotion and dedicated to Beyonce added to the joyous escapade of the evening.

Gareth is clearly a lover of words, creating rambunctious rhyming ditties with ease. He is a heartfelt, down to earth comic generating a warm wit that made for an 80 minute set that was truly hilarious. Gareth is naturally charming and an authentic, original and spontaneous performer. He is certainly one to watch out for on the comedy circuit and fringe festivals this year.


Gareth’s Dating Disasters was reviewed on Thursday 6th June at The Pheasantry, Kings Road in Chelsea. Check out for future appearances.

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