Pride in London

A Pride message from the Metropolitan Police

Commander Dave Musker, the Met’s Gold Commander for Pride, explains how the Metropolitan Police will be keeping us safe during the celebrations this weekend.

Pride is a spectacular celebration of diversity, inclusivity and our wonderful city. The Metropolitan Police are proud of the role we play in keeping the event safe and secure, and of our own participants. 

Pride is renowned internationally for being one of the safest and friendliest events in London, and this year we are working as hard as ever to prepare.

Our work to get ready for Pride started almost straight away after last year’s event, and together with the organisers and volunteers we have been planning meticulously for many months. 

Over the years we have forged close relationships with the team at Pride not only to keep the event safe but to ensure it is enjoyed by the millions of people who come to London to celebrate and be part of the occasion.

As with many other events in the capital, we prepare for the possibility of protest. Balancing the right to peaceful protest while ensuring that disruption is kept to a minimum is a standard part of planning for large-scale events, including Pride. Those who are involved in protest that is in contravention of the law, and who compromise the safety of the wider public, may be subject to a proportionate policing response.

We know that the terrorist attacks of 2017 have made some people concerned about large scale events. There may also be concerns about risks to the LGBT+ community in particular following the events in Orlando in 2016. 

We take everyone’s safety incredibly seriously, but it is important for us to say that there is no reason to believe that Pride will be anything other than an amazing and safe day.

Vigilance is always important at a time of general threat, but we want people to be alert, not alarmed and to reassure you that the Met Police are working tirelessly to keep everyone safe.

We will continue to monitor all risks and keep everyone up to date as the event approaches.


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