Pride in London

The scene remembers Stonewall for Pride

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots and Pride in London, we got together at the Admiral Duncan, a group of LGBT+ people who will all be working on the scene over this weekend in London and we asked some of them what Stonewall means and their hopes for Pride in 2019.

Jason Ford – Sweatbox 

As a New Yorker, Stonewall is an immense source of pride, as it was my city and my community that came together, fought back and said enough is enough. It was a moment in time when our whole community came together, all colours, all kinks, all expressions – united. And it started a ripple that grew and inspired every corner of the world. But in 2019, that ripple is still only reaching some corners of the globe and that’s why we must fight to keep it alive. Because we are not equal, until we are ALL equal.

Jacqui Sadler – Ku Bar

Stonewall means solidarity. It’s a reminder that in a less than perfect world you have power, a voice and are equal to any other. Pride to me is the celebration of who we are. LGBTQ+ people aren’t always served the best cards in life and aren’t always in the safest spaces, on Pride the city is yours, you can let your inhibitions go and celebrate your queerness with loved ones, allies and new people. It also means a very busy bar at Ku, so pop down and give us a hug!

Adele Anderson – Performing at Above The Stag Theatre

The Stonewall riots happened when I was 17, just when I was coming to terms with my sexuality and gender issues. It meant everything to me and I rushed into politics and joined Gay Liberation in Birmingham… of course later I was kicked out when I came out as trans. I think it’s great that we can party, and I know that there’s needs to be a commercial element to increase visibility, but Pride needs to reflect that the politics are just as important again now when we are still under attack. We need a balance. 

Stewart Thurlow – Halfway II Heaven 

Stonewall mean the start of a revolution and I think this year we need to remember that. We turned Pride into a party because we could, but with an an increase in hate crimes, parents protesting against education and more, we need to bring the protest back.

King Frankie Sinatra Performing at The RVT

Stonewall was the beginning of not having to hide or be ashamed. I would like Pride to be all inclusive, where you can just rock up to the parade with your banner and join in with everybody.

Tia Kofi – The Vixens 

When I think of Stonewall, I try not to think of that awful film that seemed to whitewash history… in reality it meant the start of change, of freedom and liberation. Pride should be a time for people who are marginalised and under represented to come together and have their voices heard.

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