
Exploring the world of Drag Podcasts

Podcasts are where it’s at with the cool kids, and it’s not just sports, music, cookery, gaming or film and TV. Drag and cabaret acts are also getting in on the phenomenon that can see thousands of listeners tuning in and downloading. There’s quite a selection out there via sites such as iTunes and Spotify and here’s two of our favourites from drag performers Danny Beard and Wayne Carter.

The Gossip Gays 

The Gossip Gays is basically the view from inside the gay bubble by Drag Idol winner Danny Beard and his BBF and scene DJ, Billy Andrew. 

You get two queer mates who love everything LGBT that meet weekly to discuss funny anecdotes from their lives, topical issues, and put the world to rights. You can expect interviews, reviews, news, LGBT+ history, and of course lots of goss. It’s hilariously camp and in its short life has already been downloaded over 30,000 times and has featured guests such as pop sensation Lulu, Grime Star Lady Leshurr, and reality stars Austin Armacost and Lauren Harries not to mention Izzy the dog.

You can also expect features including listener’s letters where the boys answer all your wonders and worries dishing out advice in a way only
they can. Review of the week and a sometimes insightful often satirical final thought. Recently the boys have had success up north with their first sold out show The Gossip Gays Live, and have big plans to roll out more across the UK in 2020! You can listen for free now on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts by searching ”The Gossip Gays” and get the latest episode as soon as it drops every Friday!
The show is also broadcast on Mondays at 7pm on Glitter Beam Radio. Follow
@TheGossipGayz on socials and find the boys at @TheDannyBeard and @DjBillyAndrew


Driving You Homo

Driving You Homo is presented by cabaret performer Wayne Carter with co-host, comedy award-winner Sam Lake and is packed with ‘LGBT+ issues, queer nonsense and drag.’ Wayne’s original podcast where he would talk to LGBT+ performers about their lives was heard by the managing director of Riverside Radio in London, who fell in love with the show and offered them a slot to share their unique brand of nonsense with South London. They still invite guests of all kinds to come in and talk about their lives within the queer community and they also tackle current events and issues involving the queer community including trans, BAME, non binary and anything and everyone else. It’s lighthearted, sometimes hilarious and fun while also being educational and informative.

Tune in live on Riverside Radio Wednesday nights at 9pm. Or you can wait for the podcast to drop on Thursday night via the usual outlets including iTunes and check out their YouTube channel, Twitter and Insta @drivingyouhomo or

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