
The Two Brewers wins award as best LGBTQ+ pub

Last night in London The Two Brewers was named Best LGBTQ+ Pub in the UK at The Great British Pub Awards for the second year running.

General Manager of The Two Brewers Jimmy Smith said: “I can’t believe we have won for the second year running, it’s an incredible achievement! The fact that we won ‘Best LGBTQ+ Pub’ last year made us even more determined to keep pushing forward and developing our entertainment offer to ensure we stand out as a winning example of a great British pub that specialises in catering for the LGBTQ+ community. I am so proud of my team and cannot thank them enough for their hard work and commitment. This award is down to them!”

Ed Bedington, organiser of the Great British Pub Awards, said: “These awards are the most rigorous of their kind for the pub sector and the competition was extremely high this year. It’s a huge achievement to win one of these awards and for the Two Brewers to win it the second year in a row is well-deserved.”

Everyone at Boyz sends their congratulations to Jimmy and the entire Brewers team. 

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