
Opening Times: OFF with Pagano

OFF is the brand new club night from DJ Pagano and friends happening on Saturday 14 December at the gorgeous Steel Yard in Allhallows Lane in The City. We had a catch up with Pagano to find out more.

Hi Pagano, can you describe what OFF is?

I think our four mottos say it all: OFF to the gay rave we go, it’s going OFF, dance your ass OFF and get your kit OFF. A fun, sexy and liberating gay rave for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. The brainchild of a group of friends who want to break the rules of what gay clubbing has become. During the last few decades LGBTQ+ nights have become so compartmentalised. We just want to bring people and the scene together through music and art, and we want to have a good time while doing it. Because if we are having a good time, then so will all our guests. 

How did this come about and who’s involved?

My friend Firas has produced events in Amsterdam for 15 years, but for one reason or another we’ve never worked together, I always joked that if I ever had to produce an event it would be with him, because we are so close. So when the opportunity finally came, we contacted some of our favourite people that we’ve met through the years while working in the industry. The team includes Nadim Aoum, Sergio Sardo and Mikele Corzato. This is a really cool team of easy-going like-minded friends who all have been promoting events for years. 

How would you describe the music? 

I actually do not want to pigeonhole our music policy. I would say that our main aim is to put together DJs that usually do not work together. More and more members of the community have been going to straight clubs to listen to certain DJs or music styles. We want to bring all of that to the gay scene. So that members of the LGBTQ+ community will be able to do it in a environment where they can be sexual and let their air down with their own people. 

…and who else is DJing?

Following up on what I was saying, we will always try to bring together DJs from different niches of our scene and from the straight scene. So for example for our first event on Saturday 14 December I will be joined by the talented Terry Vietheer (a long time affiliate of ‘Little Gay Brother’), the brilliant Hannah Holland (a regular at Panorama Bar/Berghain in Berlin and East London’s Adonis), and for the closing set we have the gay scene debut of Frederick & Kusse, one of the most dynamic production duos to emerge from the straight scene during the last year. These guys have been smashing it with releases on Nic Fanciulli’s Saved Records, Hannah Wants label Etiquette and Mark Knight’s Toolroom among others.  


What can you tell us about The Steel Yard? 

The venue has recently undergone a full renovation with new lights and sound system installed. It is strategically located between East and South London, approximately a five minutes walk from Bank station. It has an underground feel but also big bars and chill area. Perfect to dance and to misbehave! 

What else do we need to know? 

For our launch night on Saturday 14 December we have also booked the talented artists NULLO, the collaboration between Parma Ham and Salvia. Their works blur the boundaries of art, fetish and fashion, which are three of my favourite things. With so many cool DJs, artists and hosts involved, I am so excited for the launch night and for our vision to finally come together, oh and we’d love all the Boyz readers to check out @offclublondon on Instagram and Facebook.

Tickets available from 

The Steel Yard, 13-16 Allhallows Lane, EC4R 3UE.

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