
Faces for 2020: The tomorrow people

The LGBTQ+ scene is an evolving work in progress and each year brings new names to the fore or sees others taking on new challenges in different areas. We got together seven people who we feel have made a mark in 2019 and will continue to do so as we enter a new decade. We asked them about this past year and their hopes for 2020.

Left to right: Mynxie, Dolly Trolley, Andrew Beckett, Topher Taylor, Sadie Sinner, Chiyo and Jazz Paul.

Sadie Sinner

Creator of
The Cocoa Butter Club and performer 

“I’m incredibly proud of what we have done with The Cocoa Butter Club in 2019 – we’ve done a series of big shows and got to bring over the amazing Majic Dyke from America, that was an achievement. In 2020 I’m excited that we are bringing The Cocoa Butter Club to The RVT, and also I really just want to fall back in love with myself and to be fearless. 2018 was hard, 2019 was like clawing up a hill and in 2020 I just want to roll back down with all my queer friends.”

Andrew Beckett 

Creative Director at
Above The Stag Theatre

“Our aim at Above The Stag is to tell stories from and be more representative of all areas of the LGBT+ community. We’ve done the gay men thing very well and I’m proud that in 2019 we moved more towards diversity with the play Stop Kiss, about a lesbian couple being the victims of a hate crime, plus casting Adele Anderson, a trans actress, to play a lead, a non trans character in Closer to Heaven. In 2020 I want to take this much further and be more inclusive and diverse, but also to take our stories and productions out of the physical space in Vauxhall to other areas and audiences.”

Dolly Trolley 

Cabaret performer and promoter

“In 2019 I think I’ve become more of an independent artist, creating more of my own avenues and opportunities as well as my continuing work with House of Royalz. I launched Cabaret Sauvignon, my drag aerobics classes and was runner up in Miss Burlesque UK, all of which I am very proud of. I hope that in 2020, the inclusion and diversity that we are seeing in local queer cabaret breaks through to the mainstream.” 

Topher Taylor 

PR and Brand Manager at Clonezone, creator of

“I’m proud that in 2019 we’ve worked hard at Clonezone to make people feel safe and welcome at the stores and encouraged them to talk about sex in a totally positive way. I’m also thrilled with the reaction to my website and in 2020 I’ll be launching my own podcast. I really hope that given the current political situation, people in the LGBT+ community of all nationalities can continue to feel welcome here in the UK.”


Promoter, performer and DJ

“I’m pleased that in 2019 I’ve expanded my reach and performed in America and Europe as well as here. I’m also happy that we have started to see a change on the scene, there are more female performers now, but still not many DJs or promoters. In 2020 I want to see more performers of colour, more female, non binary and more trans people visible on stage and in the scene, not just in grassroots projects but on bigger platforms too.”

Jazz Paul

Disabled, Queer and Here

“I’m on the committee of Disabled, Queer and Here, working to make more venues accessible and accepting, and also to get funding. In 2020 I hope more people can work together and we can continue to educate that disabled people of every kind have so much to offer and deserve to perform and to enjoy every part of the scene.”


Performer, promotor of Woof and activist 

“In 2019 I launched my GoFundMe for my top surgery and reached the target within two months, which was an amazing moment as I can go into 2020 with a date for that. As someone who falls into multiple marginalised groups within drag, to take a group of kings to Drag Con and actually get that attention was awesome. In 2020 I’m excited about Harpy’s Strip Club, London’s first LGBTQI+ strip club, working on incorporating trans bodies and alternative types of drag in the sex work industry and reclaiming what it means to be fetishised.”

Photos by Joel Ryder, thanks to The Royal Vauxhall Tavern.

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