
Me, Myself and I: Andrew Nolan from and GuySpy

Andrew Nolan is the Marketing & Communications Manager for hook up apps and GuySpy. He loves Hampstead Heath, Downton Abbey and chocolate!

Where are you from originally?  

I’m originally from a very small town on the east coast of Australia nestled in between the lake on one side and the beach on the other. Idyllic as it sounds, as soon as I was eighteen, I hightailed it out of there and headed for the bright city lights of Sydney.  

And where do you live now? 

After Australia, I spent almost ten years in London and a year in Montreal, but now I call Toronto home. All the moving around has left people guessing where I’m from when they hear my accent.   

Where is your favourite place to spend a day in Toronto – and in London?  

In Toronto, it would have to be the islands in the inner harbour. There are no cars allowed on the islands, which means that it’s incredibly peaceful and a great place to walk the dog, cycle, kayak, and soak up the sun on the many beaches. You also get the most amazing view of the city while you’re on the ferry heading to/from the islands.

In London, it doesn’t get better than relaxing on Hampstead Heath. There are so many nooks and crannies, you can escape the rat race and spend time reading a book, having a picnic with friends, or making new friends using… 

What is your job at 

I’m the Marketing & Communications Manager for Pink Triangle Press, with most of my time spent working on our hookup/dating products and GuySpy. 

Every day really is different. Sometimes it’s booking in billboard advertising in one country, the next it’s booking in the next quarter’s print campaign, other times it’s chatting with members about the site and the changes we’re making, and sometimes it’s organising a photoshoot of the hottest models.  

What plans do Pink Triangle Press have for 2020? 

We’ve got some exciting changes to both and GuySpy, but they’re under wraps at the moment – so if you’re not already a member, sign up and you’ll be the first to know.   

What was the last film you watched?  

As it’s the Christmas season, I’ve started my rotation of Christmas movies … starting with Die Hard. Before that, I was getting my Countess of Grantham fix watching the Downton Abbey movie. I wish my retorts were as snappy as hers! 

What was the last theatre play or musical you saw? 

I recently saw Come From Away as part of a team outing for work. I’ve been known to cry at TV commercials, so it will be no surprise that there were a few tears through this musical. On the flip side, I saw Book of Mormon with a bunch of friends and I don’t think I have ever laughed so much.  

What is your guilty pleasure and why?  

Chocolate. Lots of chocolate. I suspect working for a chocolate shop/factory would be disastrous as I’d be constantly eating the profits. If anyone from Galaxy chocolate needs an official taste-tester, I’m your guy! 

What is your favourite book of all time? 

Of all time? Wow that’s a big ask. In Australia and the UK I used to work in book publishing, so I have a lot of books and a lot of favourites. However, my go-to fantasy series is The Belgariad by David Eddings. It’s a series of books from 1985, but I love the escapism.    

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why? 

Marketing on an international level has really been a highlight. Everything that I do for work, photoshoots, porn shoots, events, is seen internationally.  

Can you pick four people, alive or dead you’d invite to a dinner party? 

Can you imagine a more fun/full of laughter dinner party than with Sandi Toksvig, Alan Carr, Tom Allen, and Ross Matthews? 

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to?  

Not necessarily a party, but both International Mr. Leather (IML) in Chicago and Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco are two of the best events that I’ve been to. The atmosphere, the body positivity, the unapologetic sexual chemistry, and of course, the parties that go alongside these events are mind-blowing. I get to go each year for work and over the years I’ve met some amazing people and made some fantastic friends.  

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?  

Shit happens, so don’t stress the small stuff. Also, develop a work/life balance.  

Who is your LGBT+ hero and why?  

While I certainly have some historical figures that I would consider heroes, I think that it’s younger people of today that are my heroes. In a rather broad statement, they are (or seem) more comfortable with who they are, confident in how they dress, and are fearless with how they identify.  

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on social media and why?   

Ha. OK, the most entertaining person I follow is probably adult entertainer Pierce Paris. He is known for some of his viral videos (bottle cap challenge … anyone?). Prudish people need not look him up.  

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?  

Learning algebra is a waste of time.  

Finally what is your New Year’s resolution for 2020? 

Eat less chocolate. No, that’s never going to happen. 

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