
Me, Myself and I: Thomas Knights, founder of the Red Hot brand

Thomas Knights is a photographer, filmmaker and creative director who works between London and Los Angeles. He is the founder of Red Hot, the global brand redefining redheads and famous for its sexy annual calendar.

Where are you from originally? 

I grew up on an Airforce base in Cyprus but I’m originally from a small town in Wiltshire. 

And where do you live now?

I live with friends in East London in a domestic art gallery. It’s very arty. 

Where is your favourite place or places to spend a day in London? 

I love Hampstead Heath in the summer, or The Wallace Collection any time of the year – the atrium cafe is really spectacular you should check it out. 

How did the concept for the Red Hot Calendars come about?

I came up with the idea in about 2011 but first started shooting it in 2013. It was originally a photography project and exhibition but has since morphed into a global brand celebrating every aspect of ginger guys. 

What can we expect in the 2020 calendar and where can we buy it? 

There are two 2020 calendars this year: Red Hot European Boys and Red Hot C**ks. The latter is full frontal and is all about shining a light on the rare beauty of ginger pubes. You can get them both from 

What was the last film you watched? 

Oceans 8 and unfortunately it was crap. I really wanted it to be good.

Last play or musical in a theatre you saw?

The Inheritance. It is such a stand out piece of theatre that sparks deep emotion and stays with you for a long time. 

What is your guilty pleasure and why? 

Wham! Because the songs are amazing and make me happy. 

What is your favourite book of all time? 

The whole Harry Potter series. I love escapism and adventure, and at the time these books really helped me rediscover the joy of reading. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why? 

Getting invited to Number 10 with the royals for the anti-bullying work I’ve done. That was major. 

Can you pick four people, alive or dead you’d invite to a dinner party?  

James Dean, Stephen Fry, George Michael and Joan Rivers.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to? 

Charlie Parsons’ summer party in Kent. It falls on my birthday every two years and I get to pretend the whole thing is for me. There is a funfair and a chocolate fountain maze and loads of fit gays. Best vibe ever. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Nobody cares, try harder. 

Who is your LGBT+ hero and why? 

Alan Turing. His work saved millions of people and helped to usher in the computer age. I find maths fascinating. 

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on social media and why?  

My friend Fat Tony – cause he gives zero fucks. Also my pal Jodie Harsh because her life is insanely showbiz. 

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger? 

That adults have no idea what they are doing.

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