
The Two Brewers’ New Year’s Eve: Let’s party like it’s 2020!

There’s nowhere quite like The Two Brewers on New Year’s Eve and this year they have cabaret from Miss Jason, Mary Mac, Sandra and Drag Race UK star Baga Chipz. We had a catch up with Baga and heard from Sandra and The Brewers’ General Manager Jimmy Smith too.

Celebrating with Baga

Hey Baga, so 2019 was pretty special for you then? 

It’s been brilliant and I’m going into 2020 with a packed diary and loads of exciting stuff 

coming up. 

Like what? 

Most of it I can’t tell you, but I’ve recorded The Big Fat Quiz of the Year on TV and I’m in Panto right now in the West End, Cinderella at Trafalgar Studios and there’s loads more next year? 

Before Drag Race, it’s fair to say you were the most high profile of the acts, you’d won Drag Idol, a Boyz Award, why did you decide to enter the show? 

I wanted to take it to the next level really. It’s the best platform, a much bigger platform, and it’s given me some financial security. I’ve always just wanted to work and I want to do as much as I can and bigger things. 

What kind of reaction have you had? 

My Instagram followers have gone from 6000 to 300,000 which is mad and people recognise me in the street and come up and say hello. Everyone’s been lovely, the reaction has been pretty good. 

But you did get some pretty harsh comments about when your mum was on the show? 

You know me, I’ve got the hide of a rhino. It’s water of a duck’s back. Honestly no one commenting knows what my relationship is like with my mum, she thought it was all funny and she loved being on the telly. 

Before the show you’d meet Michelle and a lot of the 

American girls at G-A-Y Porn Idol, had you met RuPaul? 

No, I didn’t meet RuPaul until the show. 

Did you enjoy making the show, the recording and everything? 

I really did, we all got on, I love them. The Vivienne’s my best mate now. It was hard work and they filmed everything and there was no changing it, you can’t blame the edit if you don’t like it. 

And the tour?

Bloody brilliant. Sold out dates, standing ovations, there were people coming dressed as me in the Downton Abbey outfit. Hilarious. 

Right now there are performers up and down the country making videos and applying for Season Two, any advice? 

Don’t try and be someone else. Don’t copy what others do, just be your own unique character. It’s about talent at the end of the day and the same for performing anywhere. It shouldn’t matter where you’re from, colour of your skin, your genitals and or anything, it should be about the talent you can bring. 

Finally you are at The Two Brewers over Christmas and on New Year’s Eve…

Yes and it’s a great way to end the year. It’s a venue I’ve been performing at for over 10 years. I won Drag Idol here. I can’t wait to see everyone.


“I love doing The Brewers over Christmas and New Year. Christmas Day you just never know who or what is going to happen. New Year’s Eve is a safe bet that I’ll be drunk and my dreams for 2020? To be happy and get more dick. Happy New Year!” 

Jimmy Smith 

“New Year’s Eve will be sensational, not only have we got Baga and Sandra, but also Mary Mac and Miss Jason with DJs Demon, Liam Chaplin, Nathan Hickery and Phil Marriott. It’s always crazy and if you buy a ticket for NYE you get free entry on New Year’s Day! We really do have loads of exciting things coming up in 2020 including our weekly nights – quiz with Sum Ting Wong and Tia Kofi, Big Gay Comedy Night with Lucien Jack, Karaoke with Kevin Walsh and lots of new cabaret acts joining the family. Drag Idol and Street Party as always, our famous charity days and crazy Bank Holiday weekends. Look out for some big PAs… I’ve a secret I’m not giving out yet, but it will be big! 2020 is going to be another big and fabulous year that we are all looking forward to. Happy New Year to all the Boyz readers!”

Photographs by Joel Ryder. Thanks to Rhys and Diogo

Tickets from 

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.


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