
Sex/Crime at the Soho Theatre, Upstairs: Press night review by Stephen Vowles 

Alexis Gregory’s skill as a writer, activist and actor have to be applauded and with his co-star and best pal Jonny Woo at his side acting as his foil, this cat and mouse game is a provocative, scary, edge of the seat, goosebumps making piece of theatre that grabs your attention immediately. The grasp on your imagination is never allowed to waiver. This is the story of two men – A + B – no names just those two letters and the inevitable happens you get C, a situation. Their rivalry is unrelenting, persistent and with a huge sadomasochistic theme running through the play the tension between the two is simply stunning. 

Like a very fine sabre blade cutting through ice, clean and precise – and their body language is very sexy. As with Gregory’s previous work Riot Act, dramaturge Rikki Beadle-Blair’s influence has to also be garnished with praise. His complete understanding of the presented material heightened the dramatic composition of the whole piece. This play is beautifully honest with a dystopian atmosphere mashed with a Joe Orton feel to it of very dark humour.

The clever use of total blackout made the comedy elements and the play even stronger based on the fact that it is what you can’t see, which will affect you more. Director Robert Chevara’s moody and punctual style is also so in keeping with what Alexis has achieved as the level of camp and ditzy is ramped up by many degrees.

This is also like watching a very masculine dance; two strutting peacocks facing off to see who will finally win. Equally sinister and salacious. This is electrifying theatre proving that anything is possible and with an elegant delivery by both Alexis and Jonny made Sex/Crime a night at the theatre that will stick in my mind for a very long time. A play that will give you tingles all over and set your pulse racing. A brilliant show.

Photos by Matt Spike


Sex/Crime runs to Saturday 1st February at Soho Theatre Upstairs, 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE. Box office: 020 7478 0100

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