
Molly & Tommy in Maspalomas for Pride

New LGBT clothing brand Molly & Tommy have announced they will be sponsoring this year’s Maspalomas Pride in Gran Canaria in May – including a performance by their Brand Ambassador, singer Allan Jay.

Molly & Tommy have announced they will be a gold sponsor of this year’s Maspalomas Pride in Gran Canaria from 7 – 17 May. Attended by around 50,000 people from all over Europe including the UK, it is a major pride event and hosts international performers and DJs.

Darren Edwards from Molly & Tommy said: “We are happy to announce our very own Brand Ambassador, recording artist Allan Jay, will be performing on the main stage on Tuesday 12 May, flying the Molly & Tommy flag while performing a medley of his hit singles.”

The Pride event itself is held at the Yumbo Centre in Maspalomas, a three level complex with probably more gay bars, restaurants, clubs and shops in one place than anywhere else in the world. Once the music starts the entire outside square quickly becomes packed with people dancing to the throbbing beat.

Molly & Tommy is a ‘new and proud LGBT clothing brand’ currently offering statement tops and bright and colourful underwear. And have recently announced the launch of their new swimwear collection. Darren Edwards told Boyz: “It felt right that our first event sponsorship was working with such an awesome and fun pride event.”

During the day Maspalomas Pride hosts a variety of themed parties and events including pool parties where swimwear is a must, perfect for the new Molly & Tommy swimwear collection – as is the gorgeous Maspalomas beach flanked by some of the biggest and most beautiful sand dunes in Europe.

Read more about the full Molly & Tommy fashion range at


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