Boyz magazine

Letter from David Bridle, the managing editor of Boyz

We are going to press with this issue of Boyz in extraordinary times. As I write a good number of gay scene venues remain open, but many have closed – in particular virtually every sauna and sex club in London has rightly shut their doors for the moment for good health and hygiene reasons. The venues which remain open have strengthened their cleaning policies, made sure hand sanitiser and soap is fully available and created greater distance between patrons by limiting numbers and moving table and seat positions. We believe that whilst the government has not yet requested closure of bars and pubs, that these mostly independently owned gay venues should be supported.

In this issue of Boyz we cover a number of aspects of the coronavirus: Boyz Doc, Dr Laura Waters, gives us the latest science and health advice, Daniel Warner explores love and sex in the era of COVID-19 and we have messages from scene venues which are remaining open about their hygiene and health safety policies.

This edition of Boyz is both a printed edition available in shops and bars which are still open, as well as online. If there is an escalation of the closures of venues, we will become online only. Meantime the Boyz website will keep you updated on venue and medical news through these difficult times.

We urge all our Boyz readers to stay in contact with each other through social media like Facebook but also if you have particular hobbies, sports and interests why not join our new website to make friends online?

All the Boyz team wish all our readers, venue owners, advertisers and supporters a safe and healthy few weeks and we look forward to a time in the not too distant future when our scene once again is buzzing, our theatres are open and our LGBT+ social and community groups are meeting.

And as author Nikki Rowe said: ‘The chaos doesn’t end, you kinda’ just become the calm’.

Take good care.

David Bridle
Managing editor, Boyz

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