Boyz magazine

A message to our readers, advertisers and supporters from Boyz magazine

Boyz magazine, like many scene businesses, is navigating these difficult times to ensure we emerge successfully from the lockdown. Our priority is to be here on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis and to once again publish Boyz magazine for you. 

We are therefore making the difficult decision to furlough Boyz staff.

The key condition of the furlough grant scheme is that employees are not allowed to work for the company in any form. This means affected staff will no longer be able to work for Boyz. 

To be eligible for the grant, when on furlough, an employee cannot undertake work for, or on behalf, of the organisation or any linked or associated organisation. This includes providing services or generating revenue.

As a result, and following strict instructions from the Government, we are very sorry that we will no longer be able to update our social media accounts like Twitter or Facebook or the Boyz website as this breaches the ‘no work’ conditions for furloughed staff set by the new Treasury edicts which will be enforced by law. 

We will return with the next edition of Boyz as soon as the bars, clubs, shops and venues reopen, as well as when our friends in the theatre are once again able to lift their curtains on new shows. 

Thank you for your understanding.

We’ll be back as soon as we can be.

Meantime stay safe and healthy and remember: Stay home, protect the NHS and save lives. 

The Boyz Team

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