Boyz magazine

A message to Boyz readers from David Bridle, managing editor of Boyz magazine

Hello to all our readers, advertisers and supporters,

We hope that you have been OK through these difficult last few months. Boyz is a small business and we rely entirely on our advertisers to pay for our printing, distribution and editorial costs – and these are hard times for many of them. Theatres are closed, saunas are closed, nightclubs are closed. And no one is sure when they will reopen. Bars and shops have reopened but with much reduced customer numbers and the extra health and safety costs are making it a very tough time for these businesses.

On top of these challenges, when Boyz returns we need to make sure the distribution of the physical print magazine in venues is COVID secure. Currently advice for glossy free magazines in hotels, hair salons and on airplanes is to remove all print titles. So as we navigate these tough times, the Boyz business has been developing some new digital projects; in order to ensure the print edition of Boyz returns, we are working hard to make these new online projects a success. 

We are therefore announcing today that we are putting Boyz magazine – our print edition, our website and social media like Twitter and Facebook – on hold. We are taking a break from Boyz and focussing on our new digital projects until more of the businesses we rely on reopen and are in a better place to support the magazine with advertising. We hope it won’t be too long but it may be later in the year when the next issue of Boyz can be safely and successfully printed and distributed.

Boyz will be back and we look forward to publishing for you once again in the not too distant future.

We wish you all well for the future months ahead.

David Bridle, managing editor, Boyz.

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