
Cabaret is back at The Two Brewers: On Sunday the legendary Sandra is back on stage and ‘Post Viral’ Son Of A Tutu is on this Wednesday

Cabaret is back on the iconic stages at The Two Brewers: On Sunday the legendary Sandra will be as outrageous as ever as she once again takes to the floorboards of The Two Brewers’ stage and ‘Post Viral’ Son Of A Tutu is back performing at The Brewers this Wednesday.

As restrictions on live performance are eased, General Manager Jimmy Smith and his team at The Two Brewers in Clapham have announced the return of performances to the epic cabaret venue.  The Two Brewers team spent the weekend mapping out how they will make these performances work safely for artistes, audiences and their staff members because, as they told us, “safety is key and will always come first”.

Jimmy and the team have let us know about their plans and here is what they’ve told us:

“We will pilot two performances this week on Thursday 20th and Sunday 23rd and then gradually roll out more thereafter, the performances next week will be free of charge but you must register your place by emailing as places are limited in order to adhere to social distancing rules.

“Check out the Facebook events, which will give details of who to email and how it will work.” 

It’s been a difficult few months as the venue told us:

“It’s been a tough and tenuous time for everyone, particularly performance venues who have all, without exception, faced a deeply uncertain future. So it has been a great relief to welcome customers back through our doors again, we have loved seeing your faces back at the venue, also it was great seeing actual human faces that were not Zoomed in.

“Also a quick shout out to our staff, thank you to all the team at The Two Brewers, you’ve all gone above and beyond in challenging circumstances and come up trumps, you’re all stars! 

“We can’t wait to get back to doing what we do best, putting on shows, welcoming our beloved audiences and creating culture.”

And don’t forget that The Two Brewers Outside Area is open Tuesday to Sunday alongside the venue and you can book your table here:

But walk-ins are also very welcome, so just pop along and remember it’s all table service.

For full details of the return of cabaret shows and who to email go to The Two Brewers’ Facebook page at and follow the venue on Twitter @2brewersclapham and Insta @the2brewers. The website is at


The Two Brewers have announced another cabaret date this Wednesday 26th August with the Post Viral Tutu – live show – with the fabulously funny Son Of A Tutu, on stage at The Brewers at 9pm. Book now! 

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