
Fundraiser for Miss Jason after debilitating ear condition and now in urgent need of special hearing aids

Miss Jason is a pillar of the LGBTQ+ community having entertained crowds in London and across the country for decades. Right now she needs our help to recover from a debilitating ear condition in which a tumour in her ear has killed off the localised nerve endings. The only treatment is with hearing aids – and there are special Bluetooth compatible ones she needs so that she can return to the stage where she belongs. Now that regulations allow for live performances there are many gay venues who would like to book Miss Jason but without the hearing aids it is not possible for her to perform. Fundraiser Ollie James-Parr explains more.

“Some of you may be aware of Jason’s condition, but 3 weeks ago she went deaf in her left ear. Following medical examination it was confirmed that Jason has a tumour which has killed off the localised nerve endings and the only treatment is with hearing aids. Jason is currently suffering with terrible tinnitus, affecting her ability to listen and concentrate hugely. Understandably this has also had a knock on effect on her balance. 

The hearing aids Jason needs in order to perform, are Bluetooth compatible which can connect to sound systems within venues, allowing her to perform her regular cabaret show and take on her starring role in pantomime. The clinic she has attended have said these will also correct her ongoing tinnitus and balance issues.

This has been a huge shock to Jason, as the condition happened overnight and, financially, the hearing aids are not viable with her not having worked since March.

Now that regulations allow for live performances there are many who would like to book and see Miss Jason light up venues across the country but without the hearing aids this is not possible.

The Two Brewers, London Titans FC and many other bars, clubs, community groups and patrons want to show their support for Jason. Any amount you are able to give is greatly appreciated and, once the fundraiser is completed, all donations will be given directly to Jason in order for her to get the hearing aids.”

Please donate to the appeal for Miss Jason’s special performance hearing aids at:

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