Boyz magazine

It’s great to be back! Letter to Boyz readers from David Bridle, Managing Editor

It’s great to be back!

This is the first issue of Boyz since the lockdown in March. And here I am above – on the left – with Boyz’ head of advertising Stephen Vowles having a drink together and planning this issue on the Ku Bar terrace last month.

We are delighted to be publishing again.

But what a different world it is. Covid-19 has really impacted on our gay scene.

Almost all gay saunas are closed. Most gay nightclubs have not reopened. And some LGBT bars have had to remain shut because social distancing simply can’t work in their limited space. The venues that have opened have faced rapidly changing rules – most damagingly the 10pm curfew and Tier 2 rules which mean we can no longer go out with our mates for a drink inside a venue.

It’s been a challenging time for LGBT+ bars and pubs – and so our message is please go out and support our venues with your custom. It will mean the world to them. 

For this first issue back, we’ve got lots of informative features, special interviews and sexy fashions, plus interesting writing from our Boyz columnists who tell you about their lives under the Covid rules.

We hope you enjoy this issue and we look forward to bringing you our annual World AIDS Day issue next month.

Thanks for picking us up – and please do take a copy of the magazine home with you from one of our shop or venue outlets!

David Bridle, Managing Editor

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