
Henry Miller Fine Art: Open House Weekend on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd May

Spring is here and social rules are loosening up a bit which means it’s time for a trip to Henry Miller’s home gallery in Walthamstow for an Open House weekend on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd May.

Henry Miller Fine Art is based in a beautifully restored Victorian House where all works on display are for sale. Usually open by appointment only, Henry’s Open House weekends are a great opportunity to see the collection in a relaxed manner. Here’s four of our favourite male nudes from Henry’s collection that have had our hearts beating here at Boyz.

Percy Hutton Fearon Academic Study, c.1895

Born in Shanghai to British parents in 1874, Fearon trained in New York and then at Herkomer’s art school in Herefordshire where it is likely this drawing was done. Despite his obvious talent in the classical tradition and appreciation of the male body, he went on to become a very successful cartoonist working under the pseudonym Poy, in various national newspapers until his retirement in 1938.

Arkadi Martirosov, Academic Study, 1955

Both graduates of Russia’s Kiev Art Academy in the 1950’s, Martirosov and Gusev’s superb nudes are perfect examples of Russian masculinity. Drawings of the nude were central to academic art training in Europe from the 16th century onwards. While the practice declined in importance, it was still going strong then and still continues in Russia to this day.

Yuri Gusev, Academic Study, 1954

Michael Leonard, Man’s Back and Reflections, 1980

The nude, particularly the male nude, has been a recurring theme in Leonard’s work. Figures are usually on the move or in a state of transition but even when they are at rest, dynamism is provided by the design of the picture. This pencil drawing shows the artist at his very best, capturing a naked man and his reflection, turning the viewer into a voyeur…

Henry Miller Fine Art’s Open House Weekend is on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd May.

Online Booking essential as visitor numbers will need to be limited.

Full details and opening hours at

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