
Stephen K Amos talks to Stephen Vowles about his new role in My Night with Reg at The Turbine Theatre

Stephen K Amos is starring as Benny in the revival of My Night with Reg at The Turbine Theatre. Stephen Vowles caught up with Stephen to ask him about the play and working with its director and cast, the impact of lockdown and getting closer to his dad. 

So Stephen, what drew you to a role in what I consider to be one of the best gay themed plays written in recent years?

To be back treading the boards in such a witty poignant play was the real draw. I’m so used to being on stage on my own, with my thoughts and words. However, the chance to collaborate with a hugely talented group of actors and our director Matt Ryan was an opportunity I couldn’t resist.

I’ve learnt so much during rehearsals from this exceptional group of people, who I can now call friends. Of course we all know how devastating the last 18 months have been, so to have the window/space to be involved with this production has been bittersweet.

How did the pandemic affect you personally?

Like many in my industry, my diary literally tumbled down like a pack of cards. I was in Australia about to embark on the second leg of my three month tour when this broke and thus had to leave the country before all flights stopped. There was a project in America, UK tour dates moved twice resulting in me sitting at home trying to get motivated. 

This was a tough part of it all as I’m always working. On the road, or trying out new material and simply interacting with other humans. I’m not ashamed to say, my mental health could easily have taken a turn for the worse, as the silence gave way to an internal monologue of darker thoughts. 

On a positive note a lot of writing was done and I connected with friends and family a lot more. It also gave me unexpected breathing space to recollect, refresh and think. I discovered new words and phrases like ‘furlough’, ‘zoom’, ‘the new normal’, ‘lockdown’, ‘clap for heroes’ to name but a few. Also the emergence of long overdue discussions taking place around BLM. 

I discovered home delivery, I also had my dad stay for three weeks during the first lockdown and it was quite something to hear him reminisce about his early life in London. I had no idea the heating in my house could be set to lava! I do a routine about it but the truth is, we got closer. 

If you have a preference is acting more of what you would like to do rather than your superb and unique stand-up and TV work?

I think we all secretly like to play dress up! To be able to go on stage as a totally different character and convince the audience that you are, is kind of therapeutic.

Read more and buy tickets for My Night with Reg at The Turbine Theatre at

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