
Seth Sikes at The Crazy Coqs: Review by Stephen Vowles

Seth Sikes emanates a New York chicness – totally charismatic and charming – and his show is about the celebration of Judy Garland and what would have been her 100th birthday on the 10th June.

This is an homage but clearly not an impersonation. Sikes’ respect for Garland is clear and sincere and at times he really does capture her essence as he slips into certain aspects of how she phrased a particular lyric. He opened the show with “From This Moment On” and it was clear that he is a belter, and he was quick to  confirm that. His breath control is phenomenal.

In between songs he tells us about growing up in Paris, Texas. Bible Belt country and when his Nana knew he could sing, off to church they went where the choirmaster told him to sing whatever you want. “Really?” Sikes questioned – and then out came “Born In A Trunk” from A Star is Born; he amusingly added the detail the choirmaster thought Ethel Merman had landed. That was quickly followed  by “Get Happy” from Summer Stock, again performed with a gusto spirit that took the roof off his baptist chapel.

Then off to New York Sikes went and the piano bar scene. His musical journey had begun, and with wonderful support from his pianist Glen Kelly destined to serve him well. 

Sikes has an inimitable style and his voice is a well-trained musical instrument, pure class. His ability to key change is extraordinary as he zips into a rendition of “Zing Went the Strings of My Heart” followed by “Stormy Weather” where adding a bass resonance to his voice was simply superb.

Sikes is a powerhouse entertainer, full of razzamatazz and when he slowed things down and sang “The Man That Got Away” it was so genuine, the hairs on the back of my arm just stood up. Flawless, and immediately got the rousing reaction the performance deserved.

His adoration for Garland is genuine commenting on the fact that he made a special trip to the place where she died, which sadly has been pulled down. There is not even a plaque there. Hopefully that will change but Sikes loved the fact that he picked up a piece of rubble from the house and treasures it. 

Sikes closed with “When You’re Smiling” and indeed everyone at Crazy Coqs was. Exceptional and mesmerising. It was a shame the show was just a one-off; hurry back! 


Seth Sikes was reviewed on Tuesday 24th March at The Crazy Coqs, 20 Sherwood Street London W1F 7ED. Box office: 020 7734 4888

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