
Joe Posa as Joan Rivers at The Crazy Coqs: Review by Stephen Vowles 

Jovial, jocular and joyous, Joe Posa is a true cabaret entertainer and star. So it is no surprise that the real Joan Rivers extolled on him the virtue that he was the best act to impersonate her. 

Endearing, respectful, emotional and extremely heartfelt, Posa has the Rivers’ mannerisms down pat and when called upon over-exaggerated the Rivers’ persona taking it to a level that is actually very clever. Rivers was larger than life and Posa demonstrated that quality with an ease that is just so funny.

The pace of the comedy is perpetual and the delivery of the one-liners so immaculate. A fine tribute and homage to the late Joan Rivers. This is full speed comedy; Posa does not draw breath and it’s to his credit that his attention to detail is extraordinary. Posa is a true professional handling, as was the case last night, a persistent heckler that was eventually removed.

No one was safe – Cher, Celine Dion, Streisand, Madonna, Nicole Kidman and even Princess Diana – but there was no malice there just good observational points made about these woman that I think deep down Posa as Joan respected hugely as fellow entertainers, as he also did as himself. 

This is very high quality entertainment that somehow the Americans, especially born New Yorkers, seem to have a brilliance at and this is so, so the case with Posa.

If you get a chance to catch this man in action then do so. It’s a great night; full of sparkle, candour, biting charm and wit. Fabulous! 


Joe Posa as Joan Rivers in The Bitch is Back in London was reviewed on Saturday 16th July at Crazy Coqs, 20 Sherwood Street, London W1F 7ED.

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