Party Events

Madonna Fan Party’s biggest turnout ever at G-A-Y Late

It was the Madonna Fan Party’s biggest turnout ever at G-A-Y Late last Saturday – and Stephen Vowles was there for Boyz.

The Madonna Fan Party at G-A-Y Late is always great fun attended by eager fans who come together to celebrate – bordering on worship – their star.

Last Saturday the Party marked the release of Madonna’s dance remixes Finally Enough Love. And good it is too, with my favourite still being what I consider to be one of the best dance tracks ever written Vogue.

As always the record company furnished the organisers with giveaways galore so the fans were all happy and with constant video playback and Madonna music playing, the afternoon was a total dedication to Madge – and a huge success. 

It was the biggest turnout ever for the Madonna Fan Party with over 500 fans through the G-A-Y Late door. The biggest crowd in the 19 years the event has been staged.

Enough love was shown for sure and rightly so.  

Stephen Vowles

The Madonna Fan Party was held at G-A-Y Late, Goslett Yard, Soho on Saturday 27th August. 

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