Join today and share your hobbies, sports and pastimes with other Boyz readers is a unique and innovative way for Boyz readers to share their hobbies, sports and interests. Beboyz is not a hook up or dating app. We are a friendship site for gay men based around shared pastimes. Beboyz is about making new friends with people who like to do the same things as you. Beboyz is free to join and you get all the membership features. 

Fresh New Look

We’ve given Beboyz a fresh new look and you can now navigate profiles either by a two column list or by tiles. You can also flick through people’s tags from the main members page to see what they’re interested in. And we’ve highlighted locations so it’s easier to see where people are based. 

Beboyz is a safe and non-explicit social space for Boyz readers in which to make new friends who share your hobbies, sports and interests. 

Your Tags

We have tags for hundreds of hobbies, sports and pastimes. Tags are how you describe yourself on your personal Beboyz page.

Your Beboyz Page

After you’ve created your own personal Beboyz page, you’ll be able to search for other people interested in the same sports, interests and hobbies as you.

Gay Sports and Hobby Groups

Gay sports and hobby groups can join Beboyz and create their own group page to publicise their activities and programmes, and invite Beboyz members to join up.

New Message Email Alert

We send out email alerts when someone has sent you a new message. We hope you’ll feel like reaching out to other members. We are keen for Beboyz to be a friendly, kind and supportive online community. You can deactivate this option in your profile settings.

Sign up and create your Beboyz profile today at

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