
The Two Brewers Grenfell Fundraiser: Sunday 9 July

The Two Brewers Grenfell Fundraiser: Sunday 9 July

It’s safe to say that the awful tragedy of Grenfell Tower has left a scar on the entire country but especially for us who live in London. The team at the Two Brewers and Gareth Joyner, the man who keeps Myra DuBois out of trouble, decided to do something about it and organised a benefit last Sunday. The night featured a fantastic line-up of cabaret acts, all giving their time for free including Mary Mac, Rose Garden, Sandra, Miss Penny, Miss Jason, Son of a Tutu, Sooz Kempner, Myra and more. It was an emotional night with more than a few tears but a huge amount of love and laughs too. In the end they raised a whopping £2,285.50 for the Red Cross London Fire Relief Fund for Grenfell Tower residents and survivors. Well done to everyone involved.

Photos by Angus Wharton


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