
The Busy World is Hushed at the Finborough Theatre: Review by Stephen Vowles

Keith Bunin’s play The Busy World is Hushed is a very powerful and hugely emotionally charged piece of theatre that is completely engrossing. It’s the story of Hannah, played with an elegance in the role by Kazia Pelka, as a rather devout Minister who employs Brandt, played with an air of assertiveness by Mateo Oxley, to ghostwrite a book to impose on the Gospels, the true word of Christ. Enter her son, Thomas played with an energy and commitment in the role by Michael James, stunning to watch as he torn apart by his mother. Brandt admits that he is gay but this does not have an effect on his relationship with Hannah. The play twists and turns with Hannah taking on the role as matchmaker between her son and Brandt and when her plan is revealed it results in an explosion of emotions that is just simply gripping to watch. Theological questions  are raised: Is God your ultimate saviour? How do you respond when your faith is being challenged? There are also moments of pure comedy that get the desired chuckles. Religion can be all consuming which is a point that Bunin emphasises again and again. This is story beautifully played  with an authenticity to it that is incredible touching and its message is that friendship as a commodity is to be valued.  Worth a view.


The Busy World is Hushed runs to the 25th November at the Finborough Theatre, 118 Finborough Road, London, SW10 9ED. Box office 0844 8471652

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