
Twinkle, Little Star at the Queens Hotel, Brighton: Review by Stephen Vowles

Good theatre comes together because of two key ingredients: the words and the actor uttering those words. With Twinkle, Little Star directed and written by Phillip Meeks and starring the incomparable Jason Sutton, these are in abundance. Sutton is a born trouper and Meeks a skilled writer of pathos, mood and captivating dialogue that tugs at the heartstrings and with Sutton performing in such a scintillating manner this play will move you to tears of pleasure.

Sutton plays Harold an old school pantomime dame. He has been doing these parts for years and now finds himself relegated to dressing room 5 in a dilapidated theatre in Woking. This is an acerbic trip down memory lane and the audience are treated to his tricks of the trade, the way he knows things should be done to get the laughs. Meeks has created a character for Sutton which he truly embraces and it is ‘a role of a lifetime’ putting him in a league of his own. I sincerely hope that this magnificent show is picked up and staged again as it needs to be seen by as many people as possible. This is moving theatre that firmly establishes Sutton as a star who completely understands theatrical tradition.


Photo: Jack Lynn

Twinkle, Little Star was reviewed on Saturday 11th November at the Queens Hotel, Brighton. Check out the Twinkle page on Facebook for future details to be announced very soon of where to see the show again.

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